Sunday, June 12, 2011

not a worry in the world

OK, so that's not really true! I wish I could live without any worries. I try really hard but even before my diagnosis I was a worry wart. Of course, the things I worried about before seem pretty silly now! What I have been through has taught me so much, but one of the most important things is how precious life is, and that we should not take a single day for granted. Don't put off doing things that you enjoy, or spending time with your family and friends. The love and support of my family and friends is what has made it possible for me to make it through this journey! On the days that are really tough, it is my belief in God that has gotten me through! Family and friends are great, but there are some things that only He can help us through!

I am so proud of my friends that run the Susan Komen Race for a Cure marathon this weekend. I am hoping that next year I can join in!!
Thank you for supporting such a great cause! and thinking of me : )
So yesterday Karlene had a girl scout field trip to Frisco Woods Campground for windsurfing lessons. She had a great time! I wish I had pics to post, but while she was doing her thing my dad and I took Kimber and Maddie fishing in the boat!! The girls had so much fun, and they each got to catch 6 bluefish! I was too busy helping them catch their fish to get action pictures, but I did manage to get them to each hold a fish when we got back.
Kimber and Maddie with their catches!!
Before I could get them to hold the fish for the picture they wanted to know if they were dead yet!! When we were in the boat they could hear them jumping around in the cooler so they weren't really sure about holding them! They were really great fishin' buddies!!

This past week has been good. I seem to be sticking with the same pattern in the way I feel. Usually about 4-5 days after treatment are just yuck, but then I have at least a week that is really good. That week goes by way, way too fast! I try to do as much fun stuff as possible in the good week to make up for not being able to do much the days that aren't great. My once shaved head is getting really close to just being bald at this point!! I almost hate to say it but so far eyebrows and eyelashes are still hanging in there. I'm sure it is just wishful thinking that they may actually get to stay, but seeing how much hair is gone from my head if they are still there now ~ well a girl can wish, right??? Next treatment is Thurday ~ I'll be halfway done!!!! Of course, for a few days I won't really feel like celebrating much, but once I feel better I definately think that the halfway point is worth celebrating!!

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