Monday, August 29, 2011

post hurricane irene update

I decided to go... which was probably a good decision. My mom, the girls and I are staying with family in Graham, NC. I have talked to Stewart and all in Frisco was pretty good. Other parts of our island didn't fair so well.

Surgery is scheduled for Thursday morning. Not sure yet if Stewart and my dad will be able to get off the island to be here or not. Praying they get here, but feel like even if they can't that surgery doesn't need to be put off, so I'll put on my big girl pants and do what I have to do. We have other family located in other parts of NC that will be on stand-by to come help my mom with the girls if needed. Most of you know that surgery for me is pretty scary... don't know why. I have never had a bad experience, and this is certainly not my first go round. I guess it would be the same as someone having a fear of the dentist, the dark, or whatever their own personal nightmare may be. Completely unexplained but still a fear all the same. This is not the plan that was set out for this week but sometimes we just have to go with the flow and try not to worry about things that can't be changed.

I have limited internet access so I will update as much as possible after surgery. Praying for my island home, and the people who have been devastated by Hurricane Irene. Wish I was there to help!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with surgery. Glad to hear your home was spared hurricane damage. Sending love & strength to your mom! Do what you do best, Angie....gather all your inner strength and fight & win!
