Wednesday, August 3, 2011

keeping it real

Life doesn't stop just because you are diagnosed with cancer! Kimber, my adorable four year old, is ALWAYS into something. So yesterday I left work a little early because I wasn't feeling good. Before heading home I went and picked the girls up. On the way home I explained that they were going to have to be "big" helpers, which meant behaving themselves and not making a mess in the house. The girls decide to play with their Webkinz on the laptop, and I get settled on the couch with the heating pad. Have you ever heard a noise in the back of your head that doesn't immediately give you that sense that you need to be concerned about what is causing the noise? Well, after a little while I hear the toilet flush in the bathroom. This should cause extreme excitement because normally I am fussing that NO one seems to know how to flush the toilet. But then I hear it again ~ and this is when I start to think that I might should be concerned! and when I figure out that Kimber is missing!! Before I could yell "Kimber, what are you doing?", I hear the toilet flush a third time... followed by the sound of water pouring all over the bathroom floor! REST? What's that! Karlene grabbed towels while I starting sopping up water, and we got it all cleaned up. Thought about just sitting in the middle of it and crying, but what good would that have done??

Feeling much better today! Numbness is a little worse, feet and hands, and a little tired. Almost had to take a trip to the medical center... not for me!! Karlene fell off a bike and her arm hit the concrete. Decided to wait and see what it looks like in the morning. A little swollen, but she's been keeping ice on it. She is complaining less and less. Hopefully that's a good sign! She broke the same arm six years ago :(  So here in the Ballance house we are keeping it real! No rest for the weary!

1 comment:

  1. Angie, I continue to pray for you! But, every time I read your blog - You encourage ME! I'm so very happy to see you continuing to be positive. I'm sure that's not easy every day, but when it's hard for you to be positive is when you can draw on what God has placed deep down inside of you. There's a church in Charlotte still praying for you!!

    Carrie Reynolds
