Wednesday, August 24, 2011

do i stay or do i go now???

Normally this wouldn't even be a question. However with surgery looming only a week away, one has to question the possibility of whether I may be able to get there if I stay. The road is known to wash out (even when there isn't winds over 100mph, very high seas and sound surge), and of course one has to be concerned that the bridge may not be able to handle the beating from Irene. As if my stress level isn't high enough with all going on in my life right now without the threat of a category 3 or 4 or possibly 5 hurricane!!

Other than my stress level, I am doing well. My tongue has healed and isn't bothering me at all. I do still have tingling and numbness in my fingers and toes but I think this will get better over time. Muscles have been a little achy, but overall side effects seem to be disappearing. Thank goodness!! Sleep ~ well that's another story... going to sleep isn't a problem, it's staying asleep! The upcoming surgery is probably the cause and hopefully after that is behind me I will be able to sleep like a baby!

Everyone please stay safe ~ whether you decide to stay or go!

1 comment:

  1. Tough decision. Sure hope you all weather the storm with no major damage and no injuries! Congrats on that fundraiser!
    Stay safe
