Saturday, April 9, 2011

getting caught up to speed

Well for those who don't know... I have breast cancer! Yup, was a shock to me too. At my age, my risk factor for getting breast cancer was less than .3%! CRAZY RIGHT! Is that supposed to mean my luck is good or bad? OK, first things first. I found a lump! A big one! Not there one night, and there the next. Normally I am the wait and it will just go away kind of person. Thank God I didn't follow my norm on this one. Had an appointment the next day at the ob/gyn office. They scheduled a mammo/ ultrasound and made me an appointment with a surgeon (just a precaution anytime someone has a lump). The lump turned out to be a cyst (a fluid filled sac), that is annoying as heck but really no harm. Because of the size of the cyst the surgeon wanted me to have it drained, which I did. At the end of the procedure the radiologist went back with the ultrasound to make sure the cyst wall looked like it should after being drained and well, guess what he found... a second mass! (which he determined to be a tumor) At this point he suggested I talk to the surgeon about doing a biopsy, YEAH RIGHT! I wanted this stuff removed. The surgery to remove the tumor and what was left of the cyst was on Wed. March 23rd. Monday March 28th was my first day back to work and at lunch time I got a call saying my pathology had come back and it wasn't good. Never what you want to hear on the phone! Since that day my life has been a roller coaster ride! But through it all, somehow God has given me a peace that has allowed me to face this with humor, grace, and strength that only He could grant! And I have a pretty fantastic group of family and friends that make it a whole lot easier as well : )

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