Thursday, October 20, 2011

chapel hill/radiation week 2

Made the trip home for the weekend... still not sure that driving 9-10 hours in less than 48 hrs falls under the smartest things I have done! Karlene was super excited that I made it home in time to pick her up from her after school activity and that made it worth while. Didn't see her much other than Friday ~ my little social butterfly had plans of her own for the weekend. Not that I mind... I am just glad that she is being a "normal" kid. It probably bothers me more than it ever would her, but I still feel like the worse mother in the world for taking one child while leaving the other.

Kimber and I went to the NC state fair on Monday afternoon. Probably not one of my brightest ideas either! Don't get me wrong it was a blast! I haven't been since I was in the eighth grade, but my feet haven't walked that far in a LONG time! Of course, it seems even longer when you have a certain four year old princess on your back!

When I came out of treatment on Tuesday there was a surprise waiting for me in the waiting room... Mr. John Cullop! He and Ms. Cathy were in town visiting their daughter, Hannah, whose baby was a patient at UNC children's hospital. It was very nice to get to visit with them and to see Hannah. Great news ~ the baby was allowed to go home that afternoon!

Wednesday started out with a bang! Kimber was up before 7am throwing up :(  I think it was more related to allergies than a stomach bug or virus. By 8:30 she was feeling much better and wanted to go get her usual blueberry bagel for breakfast and then go on to school. We made it to the bagel shop, but we didn't make it to school! After eating absolutely nothing she reported that her stomach didn't feel well again. Thank goodness for Nanny! If she hadn't been with us I'm not sure what I would have done about treatment. Don't think when the nurses at the hospital offered to help with her if I ever had to take her with me included a day when she had been throwing up :)

Today when I went for treatment it ended up being almost a complete repeat of the very first day. My doctor had ordered some slight changes to the beam angles. Even slight changes require quite a bit of leg work to make sure that you get the full benefit of radiation and still minimize the impact on other body parts. It takes even longer for me because I am a bolus every other day patient. So when changes are made they have to line me up with and without the bolus to make sure that the angles work both ways. It's all good as long as it's doing what it's supposed to!

I witnessed something in the parking lot of Sam's Club today that made me realize that we never know when someone is watching us and we never know when we may have the chance to make either a positive or negative impact on others. To the man who was so ugly, rude and just plain out mean to that lady who accidentally tried to take his parking spot (he was backing in to the spot and she didn't realize that's what he was doing because we obviously are supposed to be able to read his mind!) you better be glad I'm not your mama... cause I don't think you were too big for your mama to smack you across the mouth for the nasty filth (he would have made a sailor blush) coming out of your mouth. And by the way the lady apologized, but I bet after the way he acted she wished she hadn't!

Now that I have vented...the hospital was able to make my appointment a little earlier in the morning so we can get an early start on the way home! Lots of celebrating to do this weekend!! So excited to get to spend time with family and friends! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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