Friday, December 2, 2011

getting back to normal...

Ending my first week back home! It feels good to know that things are going in the direction of normal. Some adjustments are easier made than others. The first two mornings we almost missed the bus. That wouldn't have been the end of the world, but it did show me that my morning time schedule needed to be re-arranged! All those mornings in Chapel Hill when preschool didn't start until 9:15 spoiled Kimber and I. It seems that it may take some patience to help Kimber get back into the swings of things. She has to get up earlier, and she misses her friends and teachers. I think she has done amazing considering what she has been put through in the last two months, but a few mornings this week she has "gotten up on the wrong side of the bed"!! Work was great ~ pretty much seemed like I had not been gone at all.

Wish I could say that I would be able to spend my first weekend at home getting the house in order and Christmas decorations up, but the girls and I are going to Smithfield, NC for a family reunion. Don't get me wrong ~ I'm really excited to go and see everyone, but I am NOT looking forward to riding in a car AGAIN! Oh, well! I'm sure it will be worth it! Besides, there are all those outlet shops!

Music has always been one of my favorite things. There are songs that can portray just about any emotion one may be experiencing. Sometimes we can hear a song many times but not really hear the words. Maybe we just don't think about the words until we are going through a time in our lives when those particular words have meaning. During this battle there have been a few songs that have really been inspirational to me. Most of them popular enough that most people have probably heard them. Martina McBride ~ I'm gonna love you through it, Craig Morgan ~ Tough, and Rascal Flatts ~ SaraBeth (aka Skin) and I won't let you go. Recently I received a CD that included a song that I had not heard before. I have to say out of all the songs that I've heard this one touched me the most. The following link does not have the best sound but it's the only one I could find. My computer skills are limited!!

"She holds on tight to those in her life because that's what keeps her strong"

Colton James ~ What keeps her strong

The love and support of family and friends and my faith in God are the only things that have gotten me through the last eight months and what will continue to keep me going! I have the best support system any girl could ask for!

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