Saturday, March 24, 2012

no news is good news?

I have been waiting to write this post until I had pathology results back from my surgery... however I still don't have the results and didn't want to put off a post any longer. I am operating under the impression that no news is good news. Sure I could call the doctors office and get the results but I have an appointment that is less than two weeks away and to be honest knowing the results now vs. finding out at my appointment really wouldn't change much. You would think that after receiving results like a breast cancer diagnosis you would fear any pathology results, but the truth is I really don't. Don't get me wrong, there is always a little fear of a recurrence or a new cancer, but if I chose to live my life always fearing the unknown then I wouldn't really be living at all. So until my appointment, positive thinking!!

Speaking of GOOD NEWS... in four days I will be celebrating my... 1st Survivor Birthday!!!! WOW! A year already! What a crazy, scary, life altering, fearful, frightening, uncertain, challenging, yet at the same time hopeful, encouraging, inspiring, happy, thankful, amazingly blessed year it has been! I thank God everyday for surrounding me with the most amazing family and friends, for giving me the strength and courage to fight, and for all the blessing that this experience has brought me. My plan is to take what my experience has taught me and to help others who are facing similar struggles in their lives. Pay it forward! So many people touched my life over the past year. It may have been a kind word, a hug, a card, a facebook message or a prayer, but it was always there when I needed it! Thank You! I wouldn't be celebrating this special day without the love and support of all my family, friends, and the wonderful community that we call ~ HOME!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cannot wait to see you next weekend! Hugs girlie!
