Tuesday, September 13, 2011

lots to celebrate

Great news about my pathology, Karlene turned 10, Stewart and I celebrated an anniversary, and my post-op appointment went well!! The last week has been really good for the Ballance family :)

Since surgery all has been pretty good. I am slowly getting the feeling back in parts of my arm and chest (some may be permanently numb). Arm movement is still limited but I think over the next few weeks it should start to improve as I will be able to start doing some physical therapy exercises. I am trying to obey all the rules I was given but when you feel good it is hard to make yourself take it easy and slow. I'm really not the sit on the couch and take it easy kind of person! The drain tubes were bothersome, so I am very glad that the doctor took them out at my post-op appointment. I had prepared myself for this to be an uncomfortable procedure and it didn't seem as bad as I had planned. Always better to think the worst and then have it be better than you thought. The doctor does want to see me again next week. Fluid build-up is the main concern at this point. With the drains removed I hope my body is able to start reabsorbing the fluid so we won't have any problems. Radiation will be the next step but it will probably be a few weeks still, as all has to be healed well and I have to have most of my mobility back.

Stewart and I spent a good portion of our anniversary in the doctors office... waiting!! By far the longest wait I have ever had at a visit (over 1 1/2 hours), but at least we were together :)  The journey that life has taken us on over the last six months proves that things aren't always easy, but nobody ever said life would be easy!

"The most wonderful of all things in life is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life."
Sir Hugh Walpole

We had our "divine accident" over 15 years ago, and have now been married for 13 years! Happy Anniversary Stewart! I love you!!

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